C.L.E. cigars, a premium brand renowned for its exceptional craftsmanship and unrivaled flavor profiles. These meticulously handcrafted cigars are expertly rolled using the finest tobacco leaves, sourced from the most prestigious regions across the globe. With a commitment to excellence, C.L.E. cigars offer an indulgent smoking experience, characterized by rich, complex aromas and a smooth, satisfying draw. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, C.L.E. is the epitome of luxury and sophistication, delivering a sensory journey like no other.
21.00 CHF
16.38 CHF
Box of 25
414.00 CHF
310.50 CHF
26.00 CHF
20.28 CHF
Box of 25
506.00 CHF
379.50 CHF