Cigar Aficionado's '#1 Cigar of the Year' in 2012, boasting a 96-point rating. Crafted by legendary cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia, this Nicaraguan gem features a Sun Grown wrapper enveloping the finest Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos, delivering enchanting notes of cayenne pepper, cedar, nutmeg, and cinnamon in a medium to full-bodied finish.
17.00 CHF
13.26 CHF
Box of 20
258.00 CHF
15.00 CHF
11.70 CHF
Box of 20
240.00 CHF
17.00 CHF
13.26 CHF
Box of 20
258.00 CHF
19.00 CHF
14.82 CHF
Box of 20
304.00 CHF