Founded by a passionate cigar maker with a love for global tobacco traditions, this brand combines rich, carefully selected tobacco blends from around the world. Each cigar is crafted to deliver a refined, smooth smoking experience, making it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts who appreciate elegance, flavor, and the art of cigar-making. Whether you're new to cigars or a seasoned aficionado, Gilbert De Montsalvat cigars offer a luxurious taste of tradition and expertise.
Box of 15
247.50 CHF
210.38 CHF
17.00 CHF
13.26 CHF
Box of 12
155.00 CHF
116.25 CHF
16.00 CHF
12.48 CHF
Box of 12
150.00 CHF
127.50 CHF
16.50 CHF
Out of stock