Nicarao is a brand of premium cigars founded by Didier Houvenaghel, a Belgian entrepreneur with a passion for Nicaraguan tobacco. Produced in Estelí, Nicaragua, in partnership with renowned cigar maker A.J. Fernandez, Nicarao cigars are crafted using a blend of Criollo 98 and Corojo 99 tobaccos grown in the esteemed regions of Estelí and Jalapa. They are known for their smooth yet full-bodied flavor, offering a balanced and aromatic smoking experience with notes of earth, cedar, and spice. The brand emphasizes the unique terroir of Nicaragua and the dedication to quality craftsmanship in each cigar.
11.00 CHF
Box of 20
172.00 CHF
13.00 CHF
Box of 20
194.00 CHF
14.00 CHF
Box of 21
228.00 CHF
17.00 CHF
Box of 21
269.00 CHF
26.00 CHF
Box of 20
405.00 CHF
26.00 CHF
Box of 20
414.00 CHF